Maximize the Warmth and Charm of your Fireplace by Installing Fireplace Glass Doors
By Mark J. Donovan
On a cold winter evening the warmth and glow emanating from a fireplace is both inviting and comforting. As a matter of fact it can become almost intoxicating as one watches the flames lick up the fireplace backwall and into the chimney above. Unfortunately, in most cases we are also watching much of the heat generated by the fire go up the chimney versus out into the room. And the heat loss doesn’t stop after the fire goes out.
If the fireplace damper is left open the chimney will continue to draw heat from the room and home. One way to improve fireplace efficiency is by installing fireplace glass doors. |
Installing fireplace glass doors can improve the efficiency of your fireplace as well as dress it up. Fireplace glass doors are available in a variety of materials and finishes including steel, aluminum and forged iron materials, and brushed metal finishes such as bronze, steel, pewter and aluminum.
Fireplace glass door installation is fairly easy to do and can be done by most reasonably handy homeowners. Installing fireplace glass doors improves a fireplace’s heating efficiency be enabling you to close the glass doors when the fire is low and burning out.
By keeping the fireplace glass doors closed when the fire is burning out, the heat in your home is not sucked up the fireplace chimney. Instead the petering out fire can draw air in from a fresh air supply vent normally found inside fireboxes.
In addition, after the fire has burned out and when you are not using the fireplace, the closed fireplace glass doors continue to prevent the escape of heat from the home.
Note that the fireplace glass doors should be open and the screen closed when a fire is full burning in the fireplace. The glass doors will not be able to withstand the full heat intensity of the flames if they are closed, and as a result they will eventually crack. |
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So improve the look and efficiency of your fireplace by installing fireplace glass doors. You will enjoy the look and beauty of them while saving energy in the process.
For information on Restoring Baseboard Heating Element Covers, see the Restoring Baseboard Heating Element Covers eBook from The Restoring Baseboard Heating Element Covers Ebook provides easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, on how to restore Baseboard Heating Element Covers so that they look new again. Pictures are included for every key step in the process.
For information on how to maximize a wood stove’s heating efficiency, see’s Installation of Hood over Wood Stove eBook.
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